Challenges of the First Year of Sobriety Addiction Treatment in Tennessee

sobriety sucks

You may have difficulty sleeping, which will intensify your emotions. You do not have to give in to the compulsion to pick up drugs again. People who have successfully achieved long-term sobriety will tell you to hang in there because better days are coming. It is possible to stay away from a drink or a drug one day at a time.

sobriety sucks

How To Deal With An Angry Drunk: Critical Do’s and Don’t’s

You’ll start to transform your identity into someone who shows up, does the hard work, and looks smoking hot in a swimsuit. Sobriety will get better when you are actually open to LEARNING from other people how to be a happy, stable individual. Because the thing is, we don’t actually know. Those were the days I’d make it to the gym and think that things would turn out okay after all.

  • This is the version of yourself that allows you to sleep at night, who wants to be a good person and live a fulfilling life.
  • I blame all this damn listening I am doing now in sobriety.
  • I’m sick of a lot of things I could go on forever.
  • Get the latest information on addiction treatment and recovery.
  • Push through and show up, even on days you don’t want to.

Recovery Connection

  • Sobriety forces you to rewrite your personal history.
  • And you need to know that you can make it through without relapsing.
  • I wrote about some of my difficulties in sobriety last year, in a post called The Worst Parts of Sobriety.
  • Instead, buck up and remember what’s in your control.
  • I stopped drinking at the end of 2016 and have stayed sober ever since.
  • Get coffee with a friend to take your mind off relationship problems.

We invite you to share your journey of recovery and be featured on Recovery Connection! Fill out the form below and one of our team members will reach out to help you get started. I know, I know, this website is called “Recovery Connection” sobriety sucks and it is designed to encourage those who are suffering the slings and arrows of addiction to get help.

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How can I be right all the time if others can be right some of the time? Not only did alcohol make me smart, it also made me impervious to the alternative viewpoints of almost everyone I encountered. I stop drinking my intelligence potion, work on drug addiction treatment myself for a few years, and whammo!

Want more resources on getting and staying sober?

I’m a stubborn, recovering know-it-all, which means I don’t like asking for help. This quality has not served me well, particularly in sobriety. Sobriety comes with a lot of negative dwelling.

Recovery Literature

sobriety sucks

Substances gave you numbness,  an illusion of freedom, or false self-confidence. You could do things without worrying about the consequences; often, you did. Then you woke up the next day, and the memories came flooding back. Feelings of guilt, embarrassment, or remorse could consume your day. I stopped drinking at the end of 2016 and have stayed sober ever since.

Sobriety sucks

I have faced my demons and dealt with them surely there’s a different way? Who the fuck doesn’t want to escape this shitty world for the rest of their life’s for a few hours? It sucks to be stuck in your own mind 24/7 its torture.

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